For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I am thankful for (in no specific order):
A loving God who always knows what is best for us even when we think we do.
A motel that provides our family with everything we could ever need.
Kids that make me laugh every day.
A husband that gets my weird sense of humor.
A house that got re-sided and re-roofed right before we bought it.
Family that has supported our crazy adventure here in Crookston. Even if the support was after a bit of, "Huh? You're doing what?".
Kids who are very well behaved, smart, independent, creative, loving, funny, caring, generous. . . . . I could go on forever.
My dogs.
Plumbing that works and great water pressure in our old house.
A husband who can fix above said plumbing.
Radiators that keep our old house warm.
The snow falling outside right now (it is beautiful!).
Old friends, new friends, and future friends.
Starbucks Java Chip Frappuccino Light. I know that is a weird thing to be thankful for but I really am.
A dry basement.
Faith. Without faith I would have nothing.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
My Sister, My Therapist, My Friend

Monday, October 25, 2010
Have I Mentioned We Do Alot Of Laundry Here?
We are so thankful that we were so busy this summer and have had an amazing time learning the motel business. I was very skeptical when Kelly brought this whole crazy idea to me last year and I am so glad that I let him lead us here. We have met some very interesting and fun people and have experienced so many new things that we never would have before.
I am also so grateful to God for seeing us through this adventure. Without Him we would have never been able to do this.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Happy Birthday Chicken
Ada is always looking for an audience and has such an innocent take on life. I have started calling her our "free-range child" due to her free-spirit and crazy attitude. I love this little girl so much and can not wait to see what she comes up with in the next year.
Below are a couple of what I call "Ada-isms".
"When I grow up I want to be a single. I will not drive a car. I will ride my bike everywhere. Not because I care about the environment, just because bikes are cool."
The other day Ada's teacher was reprimanding a boy in class for goofing off. She then asked the rhetorical question, "who thinks he's funny?" Ada was the only one to raise her hand.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Radi Sugar Beet Harvest

Last month, just as the wheat harvest was ending, a local farmer died of cancer. He was only 36 years old and left behind a wife and three daughters.
The pre-pile for sugar beets starts several weeks before the actual sugar beet harvest. The farmers harvest several rows of beets around each field and bring them to the plant (the actual sugar beet harvest starts October 1). Each farmer has only 4-5 trucks to bring the beets to the plant and 1 lifter to get the beets from the ground to the truck. The pre-pile usually takes 3-4 days, depending on the weather. The entire Radi harvest was done in a matter of hours.
Below are some pictures that Kelly was able to take with his cell phone during the harvest and 2 links to local articles that have all the details and some pictures of the harvest. Grab a tissue, click on the link and be prepared to have a good cry.

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Now on the other hand, one thing that I don't like is getting my picture taken. There are very few pictures of me that I actually like and almost none that I love. The funny thing about these two things is that one of the few pictures I do like of me is of me, you guessed it, eating.
These pictures were taken by my sister when we were shooting a wedding together. She needed a model (and I use that term loosely) to help set up some shots. I was in the middle of eating and, of course, was not about to put down my food.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
WHAT?! No Apple Orchards?
So, here is what we do in the Red River Valley in the fall. We visit the Polk County Museum and the Sugar Beet Museum. I didn't get my bag of apples but I did get a ride on a trailer pulled by a tractor (kind of like a hay ride) to watch a demonstration of beet harvesting. It actually was pretty cool.

Me, Kelly and the kids on the "Beet Harvest Demo Ride". No, Ada does not have allergies or anything. She was just being Ada.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
11 Years Of Bliss

Friday, September 17, 2010
When I Grow Up I Want To Be A Farmer
Growing up I lived on a hobby farm. We had sheep, 2 goats and a bunch of chickens. I did my share of milking the goats (ok, maybe only once or twice) and helped pluck chickens after my dad cut their heads off. Kelly on the other hand was all city boy. He was raised in the suburbs, mostly in apartments.
In Crookston when it is harvest time everyone knows it. The streets are full of beet trucks taking loads to the sugar beet plant. The fields that were once filled with rows of green are now full of combines and tractors. The motel empties of the construction workers and is now full of guys coming from all over to help the farmers with the harvest.
Kelly was lucky enough to get a job with a local farmer. First to drive a truck for the pre-pile (the first step in harvesting beets) and now to drive a plow and help with their soy bean harvest. He will also be driving a truck for the official beet harvest that starts the first of October. The farmer that he is working for has over 3,000 acres of land and has wheat, sugar beats and soy beans. It is so neat to get to experience this life that is totally different from anything we have ever done.

Ada heading out for her turn in the tractor
Monday, August 30, 2010
Happy Birthday Beana
We are so blessed to have her as part of our family and I thank God everyday that he gave me the privilege of being her mom.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A vet.
What are you most looking forward to about kindergarten? Learning to read.
What is the best thing about turning 6? I will get to read.
What is your favorite TV show? Codename Kids Next Door.
What is the best think about our family? We spend allot of time together.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
How Many Dishes Can You Fit Into A Bathtub?
So what's a girl to do for 6 weeks without a sink. Use the bathtub. Unfortunately the only bathtub in the house is upstairs.
Here's the routine. A laundry basket sits on the cabinet where the sink would be. That is where the dirty dishes go. When I'm ready I carry that upstairs to the bathroom. I have another basket to put the clean dishes in and a big stuffed bear to kneel on. It really works out quite well and is really making me appreciate the new kitchen.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Ox Cart Days 2010
Most of our guests for the weekend were here with their classic cars for the car show and the rest were here for a 50th high school reunion. What fun people! The car people come every year and are very cool. They had no trouble coming in and chatting or joking with us. They made us feel like we were apart of their group. I can't wait to see them again next year.
Well, everyone found their rooms (and raved about how clean they were - always a plus) and we got to participate in much of the entertainment for the weekend. Everything happened in town just walking distance from our house so it was very nice not to have to drive in and try and find parking.
The first night was the kids peddle pull. The girls were so excited to get to be involved. Neither of them won anything but they had a good time.
After the kids peddle pull was the bed races. I really didn't know what to expect but it was pretty funny to see. Two people push the bed down the road while 2 people sit in the bed. When they get to the end of the road they switched places and clothes and run back to the other end of the road. After the race we enjoyed the brat and corn feed. It was the best corn I have had this year!
The second night was the classic car show. It was so cool to see all of these old cars. It was also cool to see so many of our guests and their cars there.
There was also a raffle and the girls were chosen to draw the winning numbers. They were very excited, however, they didn't draw our numbers.
After the car show was the parade. Some people from our church have a house on the parade route so they invited everyone from church over for a BBQ and the parade. We stayed very late and had a wonderful time.
There were lots of other things going on all weekend that we just didn't have time to participate in. We were sad to see all of the wonderful guests leave but it was nice to be able to take a breath and put our feet up.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Truly God's Country
This picture was taken during Crazy Days in July just outside my favorite store, Willow & Ivy. They are a mixture of antiques and boutique type stuff. They are in the old fire and police station. Across from Willow & Ivy is Widman's Candy Shop. They have been run by the same family and in the same location for almost 100 years. (I will try and get pictures of inside the candy shop soon).
Friday, August 6, 2010
Amber Waves Of Grain
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Mitchell, SD
Ada got to ride a bikes through the campground with grandpa.
Emily played mini golf with grandma.
Some of the damage after one of the storms.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Old House Rule #1
The Knee Bones Connected To The Thigh Bone.....
My dad came out earlier this week to help us install our new kitchen cabinets (I will have pictures when it is completed). It is amazing how much of the house gets effected by putting in cabinets. We moved the sink from one end of the counter to the corner and because of that little change we ended up re-plumbing the house.
The ceiling in the basement was a maze of pipes in a variety of sizes which resulted in very low water pressure. Some of the pipes were installed around 1920ish (we think) and some were moved/replaced in the last few years. It was a mess! There were bends and loops where no bends or loops were needed. The outdoor water spicket just plain wouldn't work. It was almost impossible to brush your teeth and flush the toilet at the same time.
Granted have been without water for about 24 hours now but it will be so worth it!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
4th Of July Festivities
The first night we were there Steve grilled and had a cherry pitting race with the kids. Very fun! Ada got such a kick out of it. She even tried to cheat a couple of times but it never worked. Steve won every race.