Well, we survived our first Ox Cart Days and what a fun weekend it was! I had been pretty stressed about it for months. The people had made their reservations for the motel last year and so there was a lot of pressure to make sure that everyone was where they wanted to be and get everyone settled, not to mention meet their expectations of last year.
Most of our guests for the weekend were here with their classic cars for the car show and the rest were here for a 50
th high school reunion. What fun people! The car people come every year and are very cool. They had no
trouble coming in and chatting or joking with us. They made us feel like we were apart of their group. I can't wait to see them again next year.
Well, everyone found their rooms (and raved about how clean they were - always a plus) and we got to participate in much of the entertainment for the weekend. Everything
happened in town just walking distance from our house so it was very nice not to have to drive in and try and find parking.
The first night was the kids peddle pull. The girls were so excited to get to be involved. Neither of them won anything but they had a good time.

After the kids peddle pull was the bed races. I really didn't know what to expect but it was pretty funny to see. Two people push the bed down the road while 2 people sit in the bed. When they get to the end of the road they switched places and clothes and run back to the other end of the road. After the race we enjoyed the brat and corn feed. It was the best corn I have had this year!

The second night was the classic car show. It was so cool to see all of these old cars. It was also cool to see so many of our guests and their cars there.
There was also a raffle and the girls were chosen to draw the winning numbers. They were very excited, however, they didn't draw our numbers.

After the car show was the parade. Some people from our church have a house on the parade route so they invited everyone from church over for a BBQ and the parade. We stayed very late and had a wonderful time.
There were lots of other things going on all weekend that we just didn't have time to participate in. We were sad to see all of the wonderful guests leave but it was nice to be able to take a breath and put our feet up.