Thursday, June 17, 2010

We Do More Laundry By 10am Than Most People Do All Day

Just a little look into what I do during the day.


  1. For as many loads of laundry I do on laundry day (anywhere from 4-8), I completely agree with you and cannot imagine what it would be like to fold that many towels! I bet your girls have fun helping!

  2. And we have an industrial washer and dryer. 1 load = about 2 to 3 normal loads. On a normal day we do about 3 to 4 loads. On a day like today (8 check-outs. Typical for the end of the week but we have had up to 15 check-outs in on one morning) we will probably do about 6 to 8 (I lost count after #3) When the girls are here (I try and stay home with them as much as possible) they each have their jobs and we "keep track" of their hours on the same sheet as the cleaning ladies. They each get $1 - $2 per hour depending on the job (helping the cleaning ladies, helping fold laundry, sweeping the back room and hallway). Em is way more into it than Ada but when Ada sees the money Em has made then she gets more into it.

  3. you might do more by 10am than most people do in a week!
